Word of Wisdom by Lady Marianna.

Follow your heart and be humble to the people you meet.

Word of Wisdom by Lady Marianna.

Up about the clouds, the sky is always blue!

Word of Wisdom (Author Unknown).

Give me strength to change the things I can.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
Courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Word of Wisdom (Author Unknown).

Smile to the world and
the world will smile back at you!

Word of Wisdom (Author Unknown).

A smile costs nothing but makes much underway.

It enriches it receives it, without making poorer entity.

This product is only a moment, but I remembered it creates
joy and is a discreet sign of friendship.

A smile gives rest to the weary, and courage to the disheartened. 
It cannot be bought, not borrowed or stolen. 
For it is not something that has no value until
the moment when it poured.

And if you meet a person who no longer owns a smile,
give him yours.

For none have so great need of a smile,
as it is not able to smile to others.


Word of Wisdom (Author Unknown).

The joy of forgiveness is greater than the pleasure of revenge.

Thin Nhat Hanh, Zen Master

Forgiveness will not be possible until
compassion is born in your heart.

Word of Wisdom by Dalai Lama (the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people).

Remember that the best relationship is one
in which your love for each other
exceeds your need for each other.

Buddhist Word of Wisdom

I asked for strength,
and God grant me two difficulties make me strong.

I asked for wisdom,
and God grant me problems to learn to solve.

I asked for prosperity,
and God grant me a brain and brawn to work.

I asked for courage,
and God grant me two dangers to come.

I asked for the love,
and God grant me people to help.

I asked for favors,
and God grant me opportunities.

I received nothing I wanted,
I received everything I needed.

(Hazrat Inayat Khan)

Word of Wisdom (Author Unknown).

Learn from your past,
prepare for your future
but live in the moment.

Word of Wisdom (Author Unknown).

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
Rate not days of it you have harvested,
but what you have sown.

Word of Wisdom (Author Unknown).

Be aware of your thoughts before they become words.
Be aware of your words before they become actions.
Pay attention to your actions before they become habits.
Be aware of your habits before they become your character.

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